A professora Beatriz Raposo participou do ciclo de mesas-redondas e conferências ABRALIN ao vivo, mediando, juntamente com Alexsandro Meireles ((UFES) a mesa sobre desenvolvimentos recentes relação recíproca entre fala e canto, composta por Joahn Sundberg (Royal Institute of Technology, Estocolmo) e Gláucia Salomão (Stockholm University):

"Understanding the interplay between speech and singing involves knowledge of domains which range from physiological, acoustics and perceptual aspects of voice production to theoretical approaches about linguistics and musical abilities. This round table seeks to shed some light on the larynx, supra- and subglottal activity in speech and singing by raising questions about similarities between voice production and voice perception in both modalities".

Beatriz Raposo
Sun, 06/28/2020 - 10:00