DIRECTIONS to Prédio de Letras, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH) By Metro: If you get off the bus at the Biblioteca Brasiliana stop, cross over the road (Avenida Prof. Luciano Gualberto) at the pedestrian crossing to the right of the bus stop (as you look at the traffic with your back to the library) and continue downhill to the right on Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto for approximately 200m. The Letras building main entrance will be on your left, marked by a tall signpost. DIRECTIONS to Departamento de Linguística once at Prédio de Letras (FFLCH) If you enter the building by the main entrance on Avenida Professor Luciano Gualberto, go up the stairs immediately to your right. Turn right at the top of the stairs, where there is another entrance with a covered walkway leading out to the Florestan Fernandes Library and the car park. If you enter the Letras building from the car park on Travessa 12, you will see in front of you a wide staircase that descends. Turn to your left. Follow the wide corridor past two other staircases that descend and continue into the narrower part of the corridor with windows on both sides. The narrower corridor will turn 90° to the left (on the right is a door into a staff room). All along the left-hand side of this section of the corridor are doors into the different Departments’ offices. The Department of Linguistics is the last door on the left of this section of corridor, where it turns 90° to the right. If you reach a staircase that goes up and down, you’ve gone a bit too far. Retrace your steps to where the corridor turns 90° to the left. The Linguistics Departament will be directly in front of you. |